Early intervention support worker

Your Early Intervention Family Worker


Parenting isn’t always easy and children don’t come with instructions. If you are struggling with any aspect of your child’s behaviour or have any other concerns, help is available via our Early Intervention Family Worker, Jane Rogers.


Jane can work with you on a one to one basis in your home. She also runs regular parent workshops and parenting courses which are usually held at Bar Hill Children’s Centre. Jane is part of the South Cambridgeshire District Early Help Team.


Early Intervention Family Workers provide support for parents and carers with any issue you may have concerning your child, and can work with you to find a solution. If necessary, the Early Intervention Family Worker can refer or signpost you to other appropriate services.


Some common issues that family workers can help with include:


  • Challenging behaviour
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Discipline
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Self esteem


For more information please see a member of school staff or contact the South Cambridgeshire District Early Help Team at Districtearlyhelpteam.southcambs@cambridgeshire.gov.uk