
The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the school and the community it serves.

These representatives are: the Headteacher, one governor appointed by the Local Authority, four Parent Governors elected by you, the parents, one Staff Governor elected by the Staff and seven Co-opted governors, including the Deputy Headteacher, selected for their knowledge and skills.

Together, we help set the school’s aims and values and are responsible for some staff appointments, including most recently the Head. Many of our responsibilities carry a statutory requirement which means we are obliged by law to do things such as agree the annual budget. Our role is sometimes described as a “critical friend”. This does not mean that we are there to criticise the Head or the school, but rather we try to ask questions to gain a greater understanding of the school and to thus help it improve.

The role of the Governing Body is crucial for the effective leadership and management of the school. It complements the professional element provided by the Head Teacher and senior staff by bringing a range of perspectives to bear on issues facing the school. We do not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school – this is the Head Teacher’s responsibility; however, we do hold the Head Teacher to account for the performance of the school.

We have 3 sub-committees which typically meet twice every term - People & Finance, Curriculum & Standards and Premises and Health/Safety. Please refer to the terms of reference to see the remit of each committee.

In addition, we hold a full meeting of the Governing Body 6 times a year. 

We’re all a pretty friendly bunch - a number of us are parents and can regularly be seen on the school run. Please feel free to stop any one of us with any question you might have about the school. If we don’t know the answer there and then, we’ll know someone who does. You may also write to us - just hand your letter in to the office and they will forward it or e-mail to

Our Governors

Tom Pinnock - Chair of governors - LA governor

Annika Bennett - Vice Chair - Co-opted governor

Emily Samuels - Headteacher

Tracey Brown - Co-opted governor

Natalie Willmore - Staff governor

Nicola Bygrave - Parent governor

Marika Chapman - Parent governor

Tim Wong - Co-opted governor

Katherine Gravett - Parent governor

Senthil Natesan - Parent governor

Anya Poole - Co-opted governor

Aly Staples - Co-opted governor

Richard Tolley - Co-opted governor

Helen Birdsall - Co-opted governor

Charlene Monk - Clerk to the governing body


Terms of Reference
Below are the Terms of Reference for the 2 committees
Governor Attendance at Meetings
Please see below the register of governor attendance at meetings throughout the year.
Full Governing Body meetings
Below are recent minutes from the Full Governors' meetings (academic year 2023/24).
Below are the minutes from previous Full Governors' meetings
Governors are responsible for the finances at Pendragon Primary School. 
See how our school compares with other similar schools by clicking this link.

Governor Impact Statement

As the Governing Body of Pendragon Community Primary School, we have prepared the statement below, which sets out our activities and the impact we have had over the 2022-23 academic year, and sets out our intentions for the forthcoming year.

We hope you find the statement useful, and would welcome any comments or questions you have (see the information at the end of the statement on how to contact us).


Interested in joining the Pendragon governing body?

There are over 3,500 school governors in Cambridgeshire helping headteachers and staff to ensure children and young people get the best from their time in school, making up the largest volunteer force in the county. If you are interested in becoming a school governor the Department for Education website has more information.

You do not have to have children at school to be a school governor, nor do you need specialist skills (although you should have appropriate skills and experience that would contribute to the effective governance and success of a school). You do need to be over 18, satisfy eligibility criteria set by the government and have the interest and ability to listen, think through new ideas and decide what is best for the school as part of a team.

If you are interested please contact the Chair of Governing Body: