Reporting Absence

In the event of keeping your child off sick from school, please call the school or send us an email before 8.45am on EACH DAY they are absent, detailing the reason for their absence.

In the event of vomiting or diarrhoea, the child must be kept home for at least 48 hours.

Please see the NHS guidance on keeping your child off school


If your child requires regular medication, a parent or carer must come to the school reception to administer the medication to the child. Please read the administration of medication policy.

To request a form for any type of medical appointment please email the school office at

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's attendance or absence, please speak to our Attendance Officer, Mrs Duff.


Absence request

Parents are advised not to take children out of school during term time.
In exceptional circumstances please contact the Headteacher.
Where possible all appointments with doctors, dentists, etc. should be made out of school hours. If this is not possible please notify the class teacher or office staff in advance and when you collect your child please make sure that you sign the book in the office.
The contact number is 01480 830267
See More Information from Cambridgeshire County Council: