Letter from Miss Shaw

22nd June 2020

Dear Everyone


I know you get the newsletter every week but I am very aware that we are in school and you are still all at home so I wanted to make sure that you know we are all thinking of you!

We are all doing the same work as you are doing but in school.  Don’t forget to go outside and have your playtimes!

I have really enjoyed seeing the smile photographs you have been sending and hopefully this will remind some of you to get posing with a smile!

I have attached a link to a beautiful online book called The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to comfort, inspire and entertain children in lockdown.  This is an extraordinary collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures which has contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon and Jacqueline Wilson.


I hope you find it something you can all enjoy together.

As the term comes to a close, we hope to set up some transition activities and we have our virtual sports days to look forward to.


Well done, you are all doing great!  We can’t wait to see all the super work you have done for us that we haven’t yet seen.


Miss Shaw